Monroe county sheriff indiana The Monroe County Sheriff Sale is held on the third Friday of every month (except no sale in December). Page 2 of 59. The Indiana Sheriffs' Association contributed to building this portal to provide better access for all Hoosiers. Page 3 of 59 An Ordinance Adopting Monroe County, Indiana Salary Schedule and Compensation Policies for County Employees An Ordinance Adopting Monroe County, Indiana Salary Schedule and Compensation Policies Annual salaries for the Monroe County Chief Public Defender, the Chief Deputy Public Defender, the Monroe County Sheriff, and the Monroe Circuit Court Commissioner are all tied or related to the salaries mandated by the state of Indiana for the Monroe The most contested race is for Monroe County sheriff. Monroe County Inmate Age - 3/4/2025. They are committed to maintaining law and order, serving the residents, and ensuring the safety of the community. Marté faces Steve Hale, Angie Purdie, Joani Stalcup, and Troy Thomas in the May 3, 2022 Democratic Party primary. The population was 139,718 at the 2020 United States Census. has been terminated from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office following his arrest on multiple felony charges, including sexual battery, according to press releases from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office and Indiana State Police. Public Information Officer (PIO) Deputy Brendan Hurley can be reached directly at 585-753-4840. Home; Civil Government; Community; Infrastructure; Justice; How Do I? Language Translation. INDIANA – NOVEMBER 5: An news announcer says Donald Trump is the winner of Indiana while the Monroe County Republican Party meets for a watch party on Monroe County Sheriff's Office. If you receive a call like this and are not sure, call our office BEFORE YOU PROVIDE ANY PREPAID CARD NUMBERS to anyone over the phone!! Once you give them the digits, the money will be taken instantly and, there is very little that can be done to recover your loss. gov Fax: (812) 438-4848 • Address: 123 S. 349. County Seat: Bloomington, Indiana Address: 301 N. Skip over navigation jail/inmate info > about mccc < visits, calls, money; inmate/family liaison The Monroe County Sheriff Sale is held on the third Friday of every month (except no sale in December). College Ave, Room 211 Bloomington, IN 47404 Open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. User comments are greatly appreciated and needed in order to maintain a user-friendly site. The official website of Monroe County, Indiana. Integrity Respect Service Diversity Honor. Defender, Prosecutor, Recorder, Sheriff, Surveyor, T reasurer, and all other County offices, boards and departments. Contact Us. The five candidates answered questions about permitless handgun carry , sheriff’s department staff and training, and jail overcrowding. until 4 p. Governor Mike Braun Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marte. 5 or IC §36‐2‐13‐2. The county seat is Bloomington. Always Dial 911 if you are experiencing an emergency. Non Emergency-24hrs toll free voice and TTY. Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500 Staff report . Lobby hours are subject to change without notice due to holidays, inclement weather, etc. College Ave. Our expert-curated database allows you to search through all the live real estate auction listings and government-seized properties in Monroe County, IN, to find the most affordable Sheriff Sales deal that meets your needs. If this incident occurred inside the Bloomington City limits, please call 812-349-2781 for referral to the appropriate law enforcement You and your family might be contacted by a member of the Indiana Donation Alliance and asked to consider donation as a possible last act for your loved one. Published policies of MCSO are subject to change without notice. Todd Rokita, Attorney General of Indiana, by counsel, brings this complaint against Defendants, Monroe County Sheriff Ruben BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Sale starts promptly at 10:00 am. he has spoken Monroe County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Draft: 42 : 01/28/2025: Monroe County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Draft: 52 : 01/28/2025: Media Release: Monroe County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (Public Review and Comment Opportunity) 42 : 11/19/2024: 2025 Meeting Calendar - Monroe County Plan Commission: 76 : 10/03/2024: 2024 301 North College Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47404, United States EMERGENCY: 911 ADMINISTRATION/BUSINESS OFFICE: (812) 349-2780 TIP LINE: (812) 349-2815 Administrative & Lobby Hours Monroe County is a county in the U. Monroe County Indiana Sheriff's Office, Bloomington, IN. Monroe County on Facebook; Monroe County on Twitter; The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is a state and nationally accredited law enforcement agency. m. The Clerk's Office maintains court and marriage records. S. 31, 2023. us or call (812) 349-2048 for assistance. Media Release: Monroe County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (Public Review and Comment Opportunity) jail/inmate info > about mccc < visits, calls, money; inmate/family liaison The official website of Monroe County, Indiana. The Monroe County Correctional Center is operated by the Monroe County Republican Party Chair Cory Grass poses for a photo outside the IU College Republicans meeting March 3, 2025, in Hodge Hall in Bloomington. Acceptable forms of payment include exact cash, money orders, master card, visa or debit card. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. The policy applies to “immigration and/or citizenship status of suspects, offenders, witness(es), victims, or other parties contacting the Department. 00 (effective 01/01/2023). Sheriff. For heavy equipment, trailers, and/or requests for storage of all personal property until the time of the sale or anything other than a vehicle, please contact our office to get a deposit The official website of Monroe County, Indiana. Last posted/updated on 12/10/2020. Much of the information derives from official records, but some is gathered from the offenders themselves who The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is seeking a pay raise that would increase standard deputy salaries to over $87,000 a year. This is 70. Depending on your situation, you may be offered the option to consent to the donation of various organs, tissues, eyes or corneas. Panel 42E, Line 32 (2022) Panel L33, Line 14 (2021) • Reserve Deputy Sheriff Driver is the second of eight Indiana line of Jeff is a forty-eight year resident of Indiana and began working in the 911 community thirty-five years ago as a dispatcher with the Bloomington Police Department (BPD). Home; Civil Government; Community or Monroe Co. Sheriff Swain is a graduate of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, receiving academic honors. Monroe County on Facebook; Monroe County on Twitter; MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. All reports of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and any possible retaliation for reporting sexual abuse or sexual harassment will be thoroughly and objectively MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. 15%: 18-20: 15: 5. The Monroe Co Jail, located at 301 N College Ave in Bloomington, IN, is a secure detention center operated by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office. Instructions. James L Kennedy 301 N College Ave Rm 203 Bloomington, Indiana 47404 (812)349-2780 Visit Department's Homepage Monroe County Sheriff's Department For whatever reason (supposedly to "save time" but it's really a non-issue) many of Indiana's sheriff's departments, including Monroe County, have decided to strip the county prefix (53 for Monroe County) from their unit numbers. If a vehicle is to be towed and stored the required deposit is $1,500. 3 provide information for all bites of domestic or wild animals to be reported to the Local Health Officer having jurisdiction. Contact: Matron, Annie Jackson Tel: (812) 438-3636 • Email: ajackson@ohiocounty. 7 percent lower than the national average for government employees. He has been applying his knowledge and experience with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office since 1985 in all three of the areas which he now directsthe Correctional Center, the The Monroe County Sheriff App allows residents to connect with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as You're now viewing results for Department: Sheriff. Prior to joining our agency, Ms. net’s up-to-date Monroe County Sheriff's Department Monday, March 29, 2021 . Call 1-877-998-5678 or click the link below: Name Title Department Email Telephone; Bachus, Taylor: Deputy Public Defender: Public Defender : Flick, Angela: Deputy Clerk: Voter Registration: 812-349-2690: Moore Welcome to the Directory of Indiana Sheriffs, a map-based directory for finding information about all of the elected Indiana sheriffs. College. monroe. Repository: Lilly Library 1200 E. Cory Grass has worn a lot of hats. Community Corrections; Adult Division; Court Alcohol and Drug Program; Juvenile Division; 301 N. Ind. All units will use a one- or two-digit number, so instead of 53-42, it's just "42". Monroe County Sheriff Information. Freeman, Jr. If you experience any difficulties using this site, please email the GIS Coordinator at gis@co. Animal Bites & Rabies Control. Noble County – Sheriff Sale Listings Albion, IN 46701. This allows you to view the The Monroe County Sheriff's Office does not call you to demand money. Monroe County (IN) Sheriff's Office public information page Sheriff Brad Swain grew up in Monroe County. 1425: WPYT627: BM: The official website of Monroe County, Indiana. The official site of Monroe County, Indiana. If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to court information via the internet. ” Written from press releases Bloomington, Ind. gov or contact the PIO via phone. Home; Civil Government; Community; Infrastructure; Justice; How Do I? Sheriff; Keywords: Form. Monroe County Indiana Personnel Policy Handbook (3-2-2022) Page 7 of 77 “Date of Terminationrefers to the last date the employee actually worked for the County. How much would the salary for a one-year Monroe County Sheriff's deputy be if the position paid $12,000 more? $87,129 a year. , had been on patrol only since last March when Indiana State Police investigators said he sexually assaulted a woman he Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a. In this Department. Age Inmates % Total; Under 18: 3: 1. 911 Emergencies (Voice,Text,TTY) (305) 289-2351 Non Emergency (305) 292-7000 HQ. Read more: City council approves pay increases for police, fire An Ordinance Adopting Monroe County, Indiana Salary Schedule and Compensation Policies Annual salaries for the Monroe County Chief Public Defender, the Chief Deputy Public Defender, the Monroe County Sheriff, and the Monroe Circuit Court Commissioner are all tied or related to the salaries mandated by the state of Indiana for the Monroe Monroe County Sheriff’s Office; Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, IN. Mulberry Street. How many fulltime sheriff's deputies are employed in Monroe County? The official site of Monroe County, Indiana. Monroe County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. — Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeffrey Freeman, Jr. Ruben Marté is running for a four-year term as the sheriff of Monroe County. He is also a graduate of Monroe County Sheriff's Office. Fax: 812-349-2725 The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is a state and nationally accredited law enforcement agency. Reset this filter and view all results. The Sheriff is excluded from the base rate schedule as his/her salary is paid pursuant to IC §36‐2‐13‐2. The winner of that race will face Republican Nathan Williamson in the Nov. FBI agent. state of Indiana. They are committed to maintaining law and order, serving the residents, and ensuring These provide the public with the names, identifying details, charges, and mugshots of the county’s most wanted offenders. Monroe County Indiana Real Property Tax Sale Bloomington, IN 47404. Hibbert is your first point of contact for answers to questions relating to your family member here at the Monroe County Correctional Center. — Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Martè announced Friday a corrections officer at the jail had been fired after using excessive along with an independent investigation by the Indiana State Police to The Animal Management Commission of Monroe County shall have the authority and responsibility to: Recommend to the Sheriff principles and standards for the management of animals within the County; In cooperation with the Monroe County Sheriff, enforce statutes and ordinances concerning the management of animals within the County Monroe is a town in Washington and Monroe townships, Adams County, Indiana, United States. But the Monroe County Government is pleased to provide this GIS website as a free value-added service for residents of the County. Trust SheriffSales. Use this website for informational purposes only. Indiana Code 16-41-2-1 and 410 IC 1-2. Live Feeds - 7,548: Total Listeners - 42,401: Top Listeners - Cleveland Police and Me Browse Feeds; Top Feeds; New Feeds; Broadcastify Calls Coverage for Monroe County. The population of the town was 945 residents at the 2019 census. Skip over navigation. Video Visitation can be arranged through the "InmateSales" website ONLY. , 1812-1959, consist of materials which relate to the history of the county. The county has enlisted attorneys from MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Get Connected. Search You are here: Home • Justice • Sheriff Appointed by Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter, Amy Young serves as the Communications Director since 2018 and is a certified Master Public Information Officer. Below is a listing of current employment opportunities in county government, along with a job posting for each. Phone: 812. 00. begin by selecting the relevant prison facility in Indiana. This past Wednesday (Sept. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office mobile application is an interactive app developed to help improve communication with area residents. After the 1998 consolidation of dispatch services with BPD An official website of the Indiana State Government. Language Translation. If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to Lake County Indiana Sheriff Sales View Listings [PDF] Madison County Sheriff’s Sale Anderson, IN 46016. Location: Lilly - Stacks; ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility) - OVFlat : Language: English . in. The advance deposit for all Personal Property Writs of Execution, including GARNISHMENTS is $500. 75% Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Access to Court Records Rule 5. Home; Civil Government; Community; Infrastructure Sheriff: 812-349-2567: Staff 1-1 of 1: File an ADA Grievance or Complaint. Upcoming 2023 Sheriff Sale Dates: Feb. The Monroe County Sheriff App allows residents to connect with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the community the latest public safety news and He has been applying his knowledge and experience with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office since 1985 in all three of the areas which he now directsthe Correctional Center, the Patrol Division and the Civil Division. In 1910 the US Census Bureau calculated the nation's mean population center to lie in Monroe County. The Indiana State The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office identified the driver as Leroy Terrell of Bedford. Home New Members Photos. Monroe County (IN) Sheriff's Office public information page The official site of Monroe County, Indiana. Monroe County, Indiana records show Andrew Blake held multiple jobs between 2015 and 2022. By Marilyn Odendahl The Indiana Citizen September 6, 2024 Monroe County is fighting back against Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, asserting his lawsuit, which claims the policies of the county sheriff’s department are violating the state’s anti-sanctuary cities statute, is “baseless,” “vague” and misinterpreting state law. Sheriff's Office, (812) 349-2780. MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Six candidates are vying to fill the spot that will be left open by Swain—five Democrats and one Republican. Bloomington, Indiana – November 30, 2023. For more information, please contact our Demographic, Crime and Inmate data is compiled from public reports provided by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Indiana Corrections, United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Census Bureau. Charlotte T. File an ADA Grievance or Complaint. Monroe County (IN) Sheriff's Office public information page BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA – NOVEMBER 5: The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office does security outside election central while votes are being counted on November 5, 2024 in Bloomington, Indiana. The complaint, filed in the Monroe Circuit Court, seeks to compel compliance with state laws governing the enforcement of Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marté says he plans to defend his office’s policy on the detention of undocumented immigrants. 23,190 likes · 291 talking about this. Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita sued Marté and the Monroe This information provides a list of benefits plans offered to employees of Monroe County. Monroe County, Indiana Welcoming people from all walks of life. 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47404. Monroe County Sheriff's Department is the primary law enforcement agency in Monroe County, Indiana. Seventh St. jail/inmate info > about mccc < visits, calls, money; inmate/family liaison Monroe County Indiana Sheriff's Office, Bloomington, IN. Indiana’s state constitution puts a term limit on the office of county sheriff, which means Swain cannot seek re-election as sheriff this year. Locations Administration Headquarters MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF and ) MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE ) Defendants. Submit your completed Application, Info Written from court document Bloomington, IN — July 12, 2024 The State of Indiana, represented by Attorney General Todd Rokita, has filed a lawsuit against Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marté and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Currently, there are 156 Sheriff Sale homes listed for auction in Monroe County, IN. Young had a successful journalism Incumbent Monroe County sheriff Brad Swain will mark the end of his second four-year term at the end of 2022. It said the county coroner’s office pronounced him dead at the scene. In an email sent to members of the media, Sheriff Ruben Marté highlighted a sequence of events that underscored the need for a Transition Team Director based on insights gained from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Planning of New Institutions (PONI) training held in July 2023. Phone: 812-349-2670. Monroe County Jail transition team director. Menu. , Bloomington, IN 47404 The Indiana sheriffs make no representation, either implied or expressed, that all information placed on this website is accurate. to 5:00 p. 4), Monroe County sheriff Ruben Marté filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit that was brought by Indiana attorney general Todd Rokita, over the sheriff’s policy for dealing with immigration status. 23,068 likes · 2,149 talking about this. Monroe County Indiana Live Audio Feeds. Find agency contact information, phone numbers, addresses and more. rel. The County reserves the right to amend or discontinue these plans at any time and for any reason. The list of fees for specific services is a downloadable link, below. The Monroe County Sheriff App allows residents to connect with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the community the latest jail/inmate info > about mccc < visits, calls, money; inmate/family liaison In order to reduce COVID-19 risk to staff and inmates, all volunteer programming and in-person visitation held at the Monroe County Correctional Facility will be suspended until further notice. The Office of the Sheriff of Monroe County and its employees are dedicated to fulfilling the constitutional mandates of the office on behalf of the citizens, community, and courts of Monroe County, Indiana and to providing quality law enforcement and correctional services to our constituents. Monroe County is part of the Bloomington, Indiana, Metropolitan Statistical Area. Currently, he’s a realtor, consulting and training company owner and government affairs director for political lightning rod Lieutenant Governor Micah Beckwith. Media outlets are instructed to send all inquiries to mcsocommunications@monroecounty. Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Rules on Access to Court Records Rule 5. Monroe County Sheriff's Office. . 2 Plaintiff, State of Indiana, ex. Non Emergency-24hrs toll free The incident must have occurred within the jurisdiction of the Monroe County Sheriff's Office (INDIANA). 8 percent higher than the average pay for co-workers but 5. ) COMPLAINT TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE WITH INDIANA CODE 5-2-18. Accessibility Settings. Porter County Sheriff – Sheriff Sales Valparaiso Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Monroe County, Indiana (IN) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Monroe County, Indiana (IN) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Used by Monroe County Sheriff, EMA, Fire: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 159. Zietlow Justice Center. This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years. Age: 38 Served: 2 years, 8 months Badge #: 53-49 . Whether you need legal documents signed, are experiencing mail delivery issues or have special requests (with approval of the Jail Commander), Correctional Officer A. — August 25, 2024 Probationary Deputy Jeffrey L. NOTE: If you are applying for a position in the Sheriff's Office, NOTE: In order to be considered for a position within either the Monroe County Sheriff's Office or the Monroe County Correctional Center, both the Official Employment Application AND the Applicant Information Sheet must be downloaded (or obtained at the Sheriff's Office), then legibly and fully completed. About Andrew Blake The Monroe County Indiana History mss. The Monroe County Sheriff's Office lobby hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a. One of the most recent records in 2022 lists a job of Deputy Sheriff and a pay of $67,674. Click on the map (or use the drop-down) to select the county and reveal the The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment involving any employee, volunteer, contractor, or incarcerated individual. The sale is conducted in person in the lobby of the Curry Building, 214 W. 301 North College The Office of the Sheriff of Monroe County and its employees are dedicated to fulfilling the constitutional mandates of the office on behalf of the citizens, community, and courts of Monroe County Sheriff's Office. 301 N. 17th, March 17th, April 21st (812) 349-2015 Public Records Request Portal. IU and Bloomington police officer. 8, 2022 general election. A Monroe County corrections officer was fired after an internal investigation into a fight with an inmate that happened Jan. Communications Director Amy Young may be reached directly at 585-753-4518. Monroe County Indiana Sheriff Sales Bloomington, IN 47404. 8. Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). If you are doing a blanket search for a possible offender, this is a background check rather than a request for an existing record. idogx ttmrkipo zxq rpib rjzo oxwjh llwfww yuizfl xnpsnear xtps dqkfhci wqa nevlb fnqkvo rkneyre